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Delegathon - 21 Week Business Life Changing Marathon

Language: Hindi

Instructors: Akhil Baheti

₹9999 including GST


Why this course?


Step by Step 21 Week - Prerecorded Videos to set our Business Life on growth structure.

Course Curriculum

Delegathon - BASE (9:00)
Join Delegathon WhatsApp Group
WEEK 1 - Working on Google calendar and 168 hours
Week 1 - Video (8:00)
Week 1 - Day 1
Week 1 - Day 2
Week 1 - Day 3
Week 1 - Day 4
Week 1 - Day 5
Week 1 - Day 6
Week 2 - Goal Setting
Week 2 - Video (8:00)
Week 2 - Day 1
Week 2 - Day 2
Week 2 - Day 3
Week 2 - Day 4
Week 2 - Day 5
Week 2 - Day 6
Week 3 - Creating to-do list
Week 3 - Video (7:00)
ATM - To Do List Format (1 pages)
Week 3 - Day 1
Week 3 - Day 2
Week 3 - Day 3
Week 3 - Day 4
Week 3 - Day 5
Week 3 - Day 6
Week 4 - Handelling Urgent Tasks
Week 4 - Video (15:00)
1 Month Followup (4:00)
Week 5 - Working on different task delegations
Week 5 - Video (12:00)
Week 6 - Delegating Task
Week 6 - Video (11:00)
Week 7 - Identifying NOT TO DO works
Week 7 - Video (5:00)
Week 8 - Learn to Say NO
Week 8 - Video (13:00)
2 Month Follow Up (6:00)
Week 9 - Focused Working
Week 9 - Video (13:00)
Week 10 - Priority Management
Week 10 - Video (10:00)
Week 11 - Energy Management & Hobbies
Week 11 - Video (14:00)
Week 12 - Creating growth structure & work flow
Week 12 - Video
Week 13 - Working on Staff Growth
Week 14 - Creating Systems
Week 15 - Defining & Removing Communication Gaps
Week 16 - Identifying New Staff Requirements
Week 17 - Creating Staff Success Program
Week 18 - Adding Working Hours with New Staff
Week 19 - New staff training (Once done - long term use)
Week 20 - Identifying Challenging Works
Week 21 - Delegating Task Every Week

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
